Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Beauty Tip of the Day: Eat, Drink, Sleep

Sounds like a no brainer, but a few of the most important things you can do for your body (hair, skin, nails etc) is to eat nutritious food, drink lots of water (kick that soda habit), and get plenty of sleep (which seems impossible but that's what Saturday's are for).

If you have a healthy diet with small, simple splurges (just a spoonful of Ben & Jerry's not the whole pint!) your body will reward you with better hair, nails and skin.  Remember there are basically 3 food groups: salt, fat, and sugar.  Most processed foods (frozen dinners, chips, box meals, cereals etc) have either too much salt, fat or sugar.

I know many women who diet and drink a ton of diet soda all day.  They wonder why their complexion is terrible and why the weight isn't dropping.  Cut out the soda!  If you hate the plain taste of water add lemons or limes.  It sounds silly but it works!

Most of us are in a cycle of fast forward and always stressed out...overloaded!  You could benefit from real rest/sleep.  Turn off the electronics, turn on the radio.  Go outside. Step away from the TV and computer.  Give yourself some real time to unwind by taking a hot bath or shower.  Start out with just 15 minutes of quiet time and move up a little each week and you'll see improvement.  Drive with the radio off and the windows down. Or my favorite...go into the bathroom, lock the door and read your favorite magazine.  If you need a beauty or food magazine just let me know I have plenty!

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